Ysgol Robert Owen

Ysgol Robert Owen, Powys

This £22m replacement school for Ysgol Cedewain includes purpose built state-of-the-art facilities including a hydrotherapy pool, sensory and physiotherapy rooms.

Schools & Further Education - Wales

Project Overview

Supporting Powy's overaching Vision 2025 plan to improve skills and learning, the vision for Ysgol Cedewain is for it to become a flexible and inspiring learning hub for 108 pupils, supporting ALN needs across the country.

The £22m replacement school for Ysgol Cedewain includes state-of-the-art facilities including a hydrotherapy pool, sensory and physiotherapy rooms and garden, as well as a community cafe.

Frame appraisal for the scheme was undertaken by Curtins, and the preferred option was a steel frame to maximise felxibilit. A SIP system to the envolope supports the low carbon / fabric first client brief.

The SuDS scheme comprises an innovative SuDS Management Train, including basins, rain gardens, permeable surfacing and SuDS hydro-tree planters.

A key part of the SuDS design was unlocking the constraints in respect to the topography and existing water main easements that pass through the site.

Services we provided:

  • Civils & StructuresCivils & Structures
  • EnvironmentalEnvironmental


Powys County Council / Wynne Construction

We worked with:

Wynne Construction

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The Challenge

Steep topography with the new build being delivered on a live complex site.

Our Solution

An optimised cut and fill solution was employed. Curtins undertook a 3D volumetric exercise that split into the construction phases required, allowing for the decant of the existing school, prior to its demolitions.

Project Highlights

  • SuDS design centred around wellbeing for children / end users

  • World class ALN school

  • Integrated sensory SuDS / Landscaping Features

  • Hybrid Steel-SIPs Structure

Ysgol Robert Owen

Our Approach



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Green infrastructure led design promotes biodiversity and enhances the wellbeing of communities, so we bring this experienced approach to our projects in Wales, as well as the rest of the UK to deliver innovative and biophilic design, in harmony with the natural environment.



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At Curtins, sustainability is at the core of our approach as we strive to build a better future.

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