Edinburgh Airport Fire Station

Edinburgh Airport Fire Station

An extension and remodelling project to an existing fire station to accommodate larger generation fire tenders and additional tender spaces.

Blue Light - Scotland

Project Overview

Situated airside, along the eastern side of the airfield, this project focussed on the extension and remodelling of the existing, brick-clad, flat-roofed, steel-framed, Fire Station.

The existing building was required to be extended to accommodate larger new-generation fire tenders with additional tender spaces provided.

Made ground overlaid soft/silty clays, onto a sand and gravel subgrade. Firm/stiff clays were recorded below the sands/gravels, to at least 8m bgl. A perched water table presented difficulties in excavating for foundations and drains, necessitating localised dewatering. External works included extending the concrete apron/hardstanding, with the associated drainage altered as necessary.

Services we provided:

  • Civils & StructuresCivils & Structures


Edinburgh Airport Ltd

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The Challenge

The new extension and mezzanine were undertaken while retaining the fire station in operation and while the nearby runway continued to be in service.

Our Solution

With an effective phasing plan Curtins where able to successfully deliver new break-out spaces and a gymnasium space on the mezzanine level of a live site, whilst helping maintain the station response time.

Edinburgh Airport Fire Station

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Edinburgh Airport Fire Station

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