Data Centres

Data Centres

Delivering data centres is both exciting and technically challenging, requiring expertise from pre-acquisition to completion across various requirements. We support clients in developing innovative, sustainable data centres in urban and out-of-town locations, overcoming planning constraints and minimising environmental impact.

Data Centres - London

Project Overview

The delivery of Data Centres is both exciting and technically challenging, and we are pleased to be able to bring our engineering expertise right from the pre-acquisition and site due diligence, through to the completion of enterprise, managed, colocation and cloud data centres across Tier 1 to Tier 4 requirements.  

With a growing demand for cloud services, we have supported our clients in unlocking site development opportunities for inner-city Data centres, overcoming tight planning constraints, and single or double-storey out of town facilities. We deliver innovative centres that utilise sustainable building practices, modular and offsite construction techniques, embodied carbon analysis, big engineering for complex civils and structural requirements, and efficient space utilisation to meet the growing demand for data storage, while minimising environmental impact. In doing so, we have a proven track record of achieving planning permission for data centres in constrained and densely populated areas.  

Please contact us and speak to our team to discuss our capability in this sector.  

Services we provided:

  • Civils & StructuresCivils & Structures
  • EnvironmentalEnvironmental
  • Transport PlanningTransport Planning
  • InfrastructureInfrastructure
  • GeotechnicalGeotechnical


  • A range of end clients  

  • Contractors including novation to complete the project beyond RIBA Stage 3 

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The Challenge

Finding suitable land for Data Centre development in densely populated areas like London can be challenging and expensive, potentially limiting expansion opportunities.  

Our Solution

Foursite is our innovative approach to due diligence, pre-planning, site feasibility studies and pre-acquisition services, that combines transport planning, environmental engineering, infrastructure and structural engineering into one combined assessment and report, specially designed to overcome planning issues, overcome site constraints and optimise site value, whilst adhering to regulatory requirements.  

Retrofitting for Data Centres 

our reputable EcoFurbishment service and experienced team of engineering problem solvers can support the refurbishment and retrofitting of existing buildings to provide fit-for-purpose, powerful data centres in any location.   

Data Centres

Technical Masterplanning 

We provide strategic thinking to manage site constraints on large multi-phase developments to ensure coordination across multiple plots.  

Just one of the benefits of Technical Masterplanning is how it assists our clients in maximising the potential for Data Centres on their sites, whilst also optimising the development costs on each plot. By using an Enabling Works package, impending risks can be identified and mitigated at the early stages if/should they arise throughout the design process.

Data Centres

Vibration Analysis 

Similar to many of the high-performance buildings we design for in the Life Sciences sector, we undertake thorough vibration analyses of both existing (when retrofitting) or new structures to appraise performance and suitability for the low vibration tolerances required for Data Centres, as well as heavy loading requirements. 

Data Centres

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Data Centres
Data Centres

Delivering data centres is both exciting and technically challenging, requiring expertise from pre-acquisition to completion across various requirements. We support clients in developing innovative, sustainable data centres in urban and out-of-town locations, overcoming planning constraints and minimising environmental impact.

Data Centres

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