Promoting Diversity and Inclusion at Curtins
Our commitment to fostering an inclusive environment is reflected in our initiatives that empower every colleague to thrive, ensuring that diverse voices are not only heard but valued.

Our commitment to fostering an inclusive environment is reflected in our initiatives that empower every colleague to thrive, ensuring that diverse voices are not only heard but valued.
Dan Evans reflects on how collaboration among stakeholders is crucial in achieving the high standards of standardisation, repeatability, quality, and buildability essential for successful MMC delivery.
Andy Roberts reveals how the education sector is increasingly embracing MMC’s potential to enhance productivity and foster innovation.
Gayathri Saudha and the Liverpool run team share their motivations for running 10k in aid of charity
On 12th June, we set up in Manchester for an event to 130 people on Embodied Carbon Reduction, and the choice for the venue: HOME Theatre. Read why...
Inspired by a walk along Bristol's waterfront, Stephen Beggs - Business Unit Director - reflects on how the designs we deliver today might by assessed in years to come against their carbon attributes and contributions to the city's journey to Net Zero.
Menstrual Health Awareness was highlighted for Curtins in 2023 through our Reverse Mentoring programme. In a conversation between Alice Temple, a Transport Planner in our London office and Alex Vogt, a Board Director, they quickly came to realise the extent of the issue and hoped by opening the discussion, we could start to make progress for a positive change. In this blog, Alice highlights why it's time to bring this topic to the forefront of actions.
In the heart of Cardiff a fossil from a long past was uncovered, intertwining the ancient earth with the industrial heritage of Wales.
IT Director, David Price joins the Tech Takeaway sofa to discuss decision making as an IT leader, as part of the Gardner Systems' podcast series.
Our team in Dublin partnered with Engineers Ireland to take part in STEPS Engineers week, where we visited Bunscoil Syne Street and Catherine McAuleyn Primary Schools to run hands-on workshops with the students.
Dr Samuel Grainger Ph.D. shares the fascinating backstory of two humble-looking bookends, discovered in a local charity shop.
After the Learning Places Scotland Conference, Julie Henderson - BD Manager for Scotland - reflects on the impact the spaces we design have on their users, through insight and thoughts shared by pupils and teaching staff during the two-day event.